

Live like nature. Explode slowly, day by day, from the center outwards. You won’t notice how brightly you burn or how big you’ve grown until you look back. And then you will be amazed.

By the book, ‘I wrote this for you‘. Author; Ian S. Thomas

Welcome to my personal page. Born in 1987, I was raised by an Italian-American family that truly embodied a culture of love and support. From an early age, I had a passion for people, experiences, and art. My father was a successful business owner as a General Contractor, which later transpired into a successful Real Estate agent. My mother was a successful hair stylist, and business owner as well. My sister was the very first in our family history to graduate from college. She pursued a passion for teaching, and now is married with two beautiful boys. This allowed me to see different aspects of different professions from the beginning years until today.

I remember creating crayon conceptions of high rises for my father to present to his team. Architecture, and design were so much fun. Aspirations were high as you can see. What’s amazing is that my parents never minimized those aspirations, and always made me feel like anything was possible. This trickled into my teens where I was able to better myself in sports, and learn how to communicate to people.

Through high school I learned a lot about myself, and I pursued a degree in Architecture shortly after graduating. That’s when the first major recession hit in my life time. I remember sitting in my class, and my architecture professor shared that he recently lost his job. It really hit me at that point that this career move might be too unstable, but what did I really enjoy doing that brought just as much excitement?

At this time I was working part-time at a retail corporation, but something starting brewing in me. My desire to learn, grow, problem solve, and ultimately help others develop further through my personal and professional experiences. I decided to go after it within the organization I was in. I was challenged, I was beat down, but I learned. It was healthy, and we all need to get uncomfortable to move forward. It’s a natural part of progression and success.

Fast forward sixteen years, and I have helped develop and promote countless professionals within my industry and outside. I’ve managed multi-million dollar businesses. I learned both personally, and professionally that clear/direct communication is essential- especially in the dating world (Can I get an Amen?). Nobody can read your mind.

This journey is ever evolving, and the learning doesn’t stop. I’m excited to have an avenue to reach out to others now, and learn- but also help others reach their potential. Thank you very much for being part of this journey with me.